Harry Styles Cardigan

For my journalism capstone, I was Editor-in-Chief, Brand Manager, and Creative Director. I worked with over 12 students to create an entire magazine in one semester. For my personal magazine article, I decided to write it about the Harry Styles Cardigan trend from 2020-2021 TikTok.

Journalistic Research

My journey started with gathering information about the cardigan itself. I would look at news articles, on Twitter, on TikTok, and on the brand’s website. I also reached out to around 20 influencers who went viral for making the sweater and putting it on YouTube and or TikTok. Most of the questions I asked were about their experience making the sweater, why they made it, and their love of Harry Styles.

Final Results

This is what ended up being my final article! I complete this while also editing the rest of the magazine. It was one of the first examples of me using an iPad to illustrate. I am still very proud of it.


Rameses Balloon


Ebb and Flow Magazine